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Michele Mosco.
Content Developer, Writer, Editor, Artist
Currently teaching full-time in the Technical Writing and Communication department of Arizona State University, I was awarded ASU's College of Integrative Sciences and Arts Outstanding Faculty award in 2021. I am a versatile writer and editor who has worked on everything from crafting a marketing brochure for a dog pooper-scooper business to ghostwriting a real estate book to editing a 700-page dissertation on the statistical significance of value-added evaluations. I am adept at crafting effective marketing content for social media platforms.
I have always been addicted to text. I remember a road trip (in a wood-paneled station wagon) when I was about 10 and driving through scenic West Virginia. I was reading a book. My dad scolded me to "look out the window" instead of reading.
But I also love graphics, so any place where text and graphics intersect is heaven for me. Graphic design and web design are two of these locales but I've also been working in the graphic novel format (for lack of a better term).
And then there's storytelling with data graphics....need I say more?
Estrella Mountain Community College Day of Learning 2020
If You Want Students to Watch Informational Videos Outside of Class, You Need Playposit PPT PDF
Arizona Library Association Annual Conference 2019
Staying Legal: Copyright, Fair Use, and Public Domain PDF
Arizona Library Association Annual Conference 2019
A Look at Mental Health as Portrayed in Graphic Novels PDF
Invited book review of "Professional development for in-service teachers: Research and practices in computing education." Teachers College Record. 2023, September. PDF
Mosco, M., & Amrein-Beardsley, A. Influencing young women to pursue creative information technology careers. In N. T. Nasr, & J. A. Perry (Eds)., Contemporary perspectives through action research across educational disciplines: The K-12 classroom. Information Age Publishing. 2023.
Parish History Timeline. Aquinas Parish Neighbors. 2022, January.
My Experience with the Bereavement Ministry. Aquinas Parish Neighbors. 2021, November.
STA Guadalupanos. Aquinas Parish Neighbors. 2021, November.
Endorsement for Writing and Editing for Digital Media 4th edition by Brian Carroll. 2020.
Copyright and Plagiarism: An Analysis of Technical Communication Textbooks. Technical Communication, 68(2), 87-102. 2021. PDF
How Companies Steal Your Attention, in graphic novel format, was created as a public service piece. PDF
Two Librarians: This is What I Do, in graphic novel format, documents the differences between school librarians and teen services public librarians. PDF
Getting the Information Graphically. Arts & Activities Magazine, 2005, p. 44. PDF
It's Art Trivia Time. School Arts Magazine, 2004.
Collaboration is the Key. Arizona Library Association Newsletter, 2004, Nov.
Current and Recent Courses
Arizona State University
TWC 451/551 Copyright & Intellectual Property in a Digital Age PDF
TWC 301 Fundamentals of Writing with Digital Media PDF
TWC 214 Storytelling with Data PDF
TWC 401/501 Fundamentals of Technical Communication PDF
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